Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Graphics Formats

PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics. PNG format supports 16 million true colors and GIF only supports 256 colors. PNG files when the image is large and colored ares like an illustration but can also be used to edit photos. This is not used for a photograph's final file because it has massive file sizing for photos.

GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format. GIF is specific for graphics and illustrations or things that are non-photographic. This file has only 256 color palette and it can also be use for animation effect on the web.

JPG/JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. This is the most common file you'll probably even seen. This method keeps as much information in the photo. While keeping the size at a decent size to email and storage. This file type capture photos and store on the memory card on digital cameras.

TIFF  stands for Tag Image File Format. TIFF was a large 24 bit format until version 6 came out. The version 6 supported compression and made it less painful. The fact that its compression was broken and might not be compatible with different programs on different computers.


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